Open source 10.5 or higher OpenArena: OpenLieroX: Dark Charlie 2007 Action/strategy Open source 10.3 or higher OpenTTD: Operation Desert Storm: Orbiter: Orbz: Oregon Trail II: MECC 1996 Adventure Commercial 7.1 or higher Osmos: OSX SkyFighters 1945: Otis: OttoMatic: Out of the Park Baseball 10: Out of the Sun: Domark Software 1994 Flight. The latest Mac Adventure game reviews, an overview of best Adventure Games on the Mac and new releases.

Before macOS, and before OS X, there was just Mac OS. This is often referred to as “Classic” Mac OS. It includes System 1 all the way up to Mac OS 9.x. I started using a Mac with System 6 on a Macintosh Classic. Then I moved up to a Macintosh IIsi running System 7. Finally, after the PowerPC transition, I used a Power Macintosh 8500 which ran all of the later versions of “Classic” Mac OS. I was recently having a conversation with another developer who grew up using Macintosh computers and we were both reminiscing about some of our early development experiences on Mac. While System 6 was the first Mac OS version I used, I didn’t start really writing Mac apps until the Mac OS 8 era. This got me thinking that it might be interesting to spend some time re-learning “Classic” Mac OS app development.

As I mentioned previously I didn’t really start programming until Mac OS 8 and by then CodeWarrior had solidly cemented itself as the IDE of choice for Mac developers. I decided for this exploration that I wanted to stick to early Mac software as much as possible. I chose to only look for tools that were available for Mac prior to the 1990s.

Since I no longer have any physical “Classic” Mac hardware I decided to turn to emulation. I’ll go over some of the more populator emulators and why I chose the one I did.


SheepShaver emulates a Power PC Macintosh. It was originally created for BeOS back in 1998. Since then, it has become an open source project. It’s capable of running Mac OS 7.5.2 through 9.0.4. If you’re interested in running the more recent versions of “Classic” Mac OS this is probably the emulator you should choose. Mac OS 7.5.2 was released in 1995 and in turn SheepShaver doesn’t fit my criteria of sticking to software and tools available prior to the 1990s.

Basilisk II

Basilisk II emulates a 68k Macintosh. Originally released in 1997 by the same developer as SheepShaver. It’s capable of running up to Mac OS 8.1. This is another very popular emulator and a lot of people looking to emulate 68k Macintoshes choose this one. It is also open source, however it is no longer being maintained.

Mini vMac

Mini vMac is a spinoff of the vMac project. It also emulates a 68k Macintosh. It has a focus on the early Macs with the default build emulating a Macintosh Plus. Mini vMac is capable of emulating up to Mac OS 7.5.5. It’s also open source and unlike Basilisk II is still being maintained.

So what’s the difference between Mini vMac and Basilisk II? The FAQ page for Mini vMac has a great explanation.

The biggest current difference is that Mini vMac emulates the earliest Macs, while Basilisk II emulates later 680x0 Macs. The fundamental technical difference is that Basilisk II doesn’t emulate hardware, but patches the drivers in ROM, while Mini vMac emulates the hardware (with the exception of the floppy drive). The consequences are that some of the earliest Mac software will run in Mini vMac and not Basilisk II, while much of the later software will run in Basilisk II and not Mini vMac. For software that will run in either, the emulation in Mini vMac can be more accurate, while Basilisk II offers many more features (including color, larger screen, more memory, network access, and more host integration).

Mini vMac aims to stay simple and maintainable. So Mini vMac only has compile time preferences, where as Basilisk II has many run time preferences. And Mini vMac uses a rather simple emulation of the processor, compared to Basilisk II, which could make Mini vMac slower.

The fact that Mini vMac focuses on early Macs and ealy Mac software it fit my criteria well. It has a good Getting Started page as well as a collection of other Tutorials to help you get system software and get up and running. I went through all of the tutorials and now have a working emulated Mac Plus running System 6.0.8.

With an emulator up and running I next needed to find software. Luckily, there are a few sites that host repositories of software for old Mac OS versions. The following sites have been some of the most helpful in terms of finding old software:

I mentioned earlier that CodeWarrior was the IDE of choice when I started Mac development but since it came out in the 90s it didn’t fit my criteria for early Mac development. Additionally while C/C++ had become the language of choice for the Mac in the 90s, back in the 80s Pascal was by far more common. I also needed an IDE that supported System 6.

While looking for Pascal compilers I came across two main contenders: Borland Turbo Pascal and THINK Pascal. Both seemed like good potential candidates. They had versions that came out in the late 80s and supported System 6. THINK Pascal seemed to be fairly popular during the era.

An alternative, that I had used a handful of times before CodeWarrior, was the Macintosh Programmer’s Workshop (MPW). MPW was the development environment provided by Apple. In the 80s it was quite expensive. It had a 68k assembler, a pascal compiler, and (new for MPW 2.0) a C compiler as well. This seemed like a fun choice because of the range of languages supported but also because it was the official offerring provided by Apple. After downloading MPW 2.0 from the software links above I had a working development environment.

The last thing I needed were some good programming books from the time period. I found a wonderful resource in the Vintage Apple website.

Here’s a list of the books I’ve found most useful so far:

Inside Macintosh Volumes I - III cover everything you would ever want to know about the early Mac and how it worked. It also covers all of the OS managers and their API’s as well. Inside Macintosh Volume IV covers changes for the Macintosh Plus, which is helpful since Mini vMac emulates a Macintosh Plus. The other two books have some good information about MPW itself and how it works as well as some okay intro to Mac programming.

With an emulated Mac configured and an IDE chosen I’ve started to write some little test programs in Pascal. While I’ve never written a Mac program in Pascal, I have written many Delphi applications on Windows. I’ve also started to search out some old Mac viruses from the 80s to take a look at how they worked. Overall, I find it a nice change of pace to be able to boot into System 6, do some coding, play some old games and remember a time when computers were a lot less complicated to use.

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Emulation's fun! - Happy Mac

Welcome to the Guides intro to Emulation.

Below, are instructions and links that will show you how to run games
that you will find located in the Macintosh Garden's pages.
Chicken noodle soup: a tutorial 2(d) mac os.

  1. Selecting an Emulator
  2. The Guides

Introduction to Emulation

Macintosh Garden features many abandonware games. These games can be decades old, and therefore were developed for computers and operating systems that are now obsolete. As a consequence, many of the games featured on Macintosh Garden will not work on today's computers. The best way to run these games is to acquire a vintage computer system, but this is not always easy. To help those without old hardware, this wiki will describe how to use emulators to play the games on modern systems.

Selecting an Emulator

For best results you should try to emulate the machine that your game was designed for! Check the publishing date of the game for hints. Any host system can run an emulator. This means that users of Mac OS X, Windows, Linux and even more esoteric operating systems can all enjoy the games on Macintosh Garden. The four main emulators you will use are:


Emulates a PowerPC Macintosh that will run Mac OS versions 9.0.4 to 10.5.


Emulates a PowerPC Macintosh that will run Mac OS versions 7.5.2 to 9.0.4. This means that you are emulating a Macintosh setup that was commonly used from about 1995 to 2000. Games published in the late 90s are most stable in SheepShaver. Games that require a PowerPC processor will only

Knight's Adventures Mac Os X

run in SheepShaver.Skip to the guides for SheepShaver

Basilisk II

Basilisk II emulates a 680x0 Macintosh that will run Mac OS versions 7 to 8.1. This represents a date range of about 1991 to 1998. Games published in the early and mid 1990s are most stable in Basilisk II.Skip to the guides for Basilisk II

Mini vMac

Knight's Adventures Mac Os 11

Games published in the 1980s will usually run best in Mini vMac. Mini vMac emulates a black and white (only) Mac Plus (68000 processor) that can run System versions 1 to 7.5.5. (Work is being done on Mac II support, including color, in Mini vMac with a large number of possible variations.) This represents a date range of about 1984 to 1996.Skip to the guides for Mini vMacKeep in mind that there is a lot of backwards compatibility in Mac OS. SheepShaver and Mac OS 9 run a lot of games from the 1980s and early 1990s, and Basilisk II runs many 1980s games with no problems.

The Guides

Setting up an emulator is easy, and there is a wealth of setup guides available to help you out. Keep in mind that before you begin, you will need a valid Macintosh ROM image to run an emulator. You can get this from your old Macintosh computer, if you own one. Otherwise one will have to be acquired elsewhere, e.g.; from friends, family members, or online searches.You'll also need a copy of an old version of
Mac OS to run in your emulator. Versions 6 to 7.5.5 are available for free and the guides below will show you where to get them and how to use them. Later versions (useful mostly in SheepShaver) were not free, so you will either need to buy a disc from somewhere or check through the apps section of this website for a suitable copy.

For Mini vMac

  • Mini vMac is the easiest of the emulators to get started with. Most users can just check out the official documentation and should be up and running without too much effort.
  • Windows users can check out an illustrated setup guide.
  • iPhone users can also run Mini vMac. Check out the official page of that port for more information.

For Basilisk ll

  • E-Maculation has a setup guide for Mac OS X users, and another guide for Windows users, and another here for users of the Linux port of Basilisk II.
  • Linux users can also consult the official documentation (Web archive link: site currently off-line).

For SheepShaver

  • Low End Mac has a concise setup guide for OS X users. Note: If you are following this guide, please first download a more recent version of SheepShaver.
  • For more advanced issues, has a more detailed guide and a forum dedicated to setting up SheepShaver for OS X.
  • also has a setup guide for Windows users.
  • The WordPerfect Mac Yahoo group has complete installs of SheepShaver for Intel Macs. No other software needed. Free at WPMac.
  • Linux can consult the Ubuntu setup guide for help.


  • also has setup guides for Mac OS X users as well as for Windows users.

Knight's Adventures Mac Os Download

Downloading games from this website

Most games featured on Macintosh Garden are archived in the .SIT format. This format is ideal for extracting on Mac OS 9 and earlier - where you will be running your games. On Mac OS X you can extract these files using StuffIt Expander.

Uploading games to this website

This topic is a guide itself, please read A Beginner's Guide for Uploading Stuff to Macintosh Garden and Uploading games to this website.If you just want to upload a game, simply create an account and login, then when you click the add game link located at the top right of the website, a form will allow you to enter the new game's details; Game name, file, description, screenshot etc.

Knight's Adventures Mac Os Catalina


What is a ROM? - A 'ROM' image is a file that is created by reading the contents of an Integrated Circuit which is installed in the Macintosh that the file is read from. The ROM file contains data about the exact model, it also contains copyrighted data from Apple. It is vital that you have a ROM file from the exact model of Macintosh that you wish to emulate.I don't have an old version of Mac OS? 7.5.x will run most games on Macintosh Garden and is good for Mini vMac and Basillisk II. Later and even earlier versions Knightmay be available in the apps section of this site.How do I add a page to this wiki?You must first create an account with us. Once logged in, click the 'Add page' link shown at the top right of this website.

Installing games/other software onto your emulator

A guide on installing apps on Mini vMac, Basilisk II, and SheepShaver is here. Feel free to improve it!