Step into the role of an explorer in a futuristic lunar settlement...
Your mission is to restore critical systems after a meteor strike cripples life support equipment.
Run Moonbase Alpha 1.0 on Mac, Linux & Chrome OS 'NASA has once again landed on the lunar surface with the goal of colonization, research, and further exploration. Shortly after the return to the Moon, NASA has established a small outpost on the south pole of the moon called Moonbase Alpha. Moonbase 332 is an Arcade First Person Shooter by PatchNoteStudio. You play an old American exterminator. After a War between Germany and Austria in Year 2007, a base on the Moon was found. Austria has tested there some genetically modified Plagues to use it as a weapon.
Explore NASA Lunar Resources to prepare for your mission.
Moonbase Alpha is the first of two commercial-quality NASA games developed in partnership with commercial game developers.