Dream about snakes is not only unpleasant but usually an omen of problems caused by lies, deception, betrayal, or sex, depending on how they dream. That a snake attacks and becomes entangled in the body of the dreamer can mean that it is the victim of intrigues and that. Title Developer/publisher Release date Genre License Mac OS versions A-10 Attack! Parsoft Interactive 1995 Flight simulator Abandonware 7.5–9.2.2. Sigmund Freud considered snake dream imagery as a sign of sexual repression because of the snake’s phallic like qualities and believed the repression had to do with discomfort with male genitalia. In some cultures, however, the snake is a sign of fertility. How to interpret your snake dream; Resources for dream symbol interpretation; Snakes often represent danger in dreams What Snake Dreams Mean and Symbolize. To help better understand what your snake related dream might mean, I’ve scoured through hundreds of pages of literature and aggregated their common interpretations (Lakoff, 1993).

Black color symbolizes grief or sadness. That color can also represent something unconscious or unknown.

In the most of the cases dreams about black snakes aren’t a good sign, but there are some exceptions.

They can be reflection of dark emotions like sadness. These dreams can also mean that your subconscious mind tries to raise awareness about some important situation in real life that you should pay attention to.

That situation can be either positive or negative. Read more:10 Dreams About Red Snakes

The meaning of the black snake dream also depends on what is happening in your dream. Are there a lot of snakes or just one in the grass? Is it the snake poisonous, chasing you, biting you or is it dead maybe?

Are you just looking at the snake or is it coiling around your body? In this article we will explain you the most common meanings of black snake dreams and how to interpret them in the right way.

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Table of Contents

  • Black snake dream meaning

Black snake dream meaning

As we mentioned in the introduction, dreams about black snakes can have positive and negative meaning.

They can be reflection of deeply rooted drives, or some negative emotions like depression, sadness or grieving.

These dreams can also mean some significant transformation in your life. We will explain you here the most common interpretations of this kind of dreams.

Being bitten by black snake

Snake Dream Mac Os X

This is actually one of the most common black snake dreams. This can mean trickery. This dream can also mean something positive if you use it as a basis for thinking related to your development.

Being chased by the black snake

If the black snake is chasing you in your dream that can mean you were uneasy toward something.

Probably, there are some things come up that you dread or you are worrying you will make the wrong decision in your real life. In this case all you need to do is just to sit back relaxed and wait for the things to come.


In case you feel a threat in your black snake dream that can mean you have a difficulty dealing with your subconscious.

It is possible that you see your real life happy but your subconscious is sending you different message.

You should think about facing with things that are threatening your contentment. Read more:50 Dreams About Snakes

This kind of black snake dream can mean a threatening situation that you are maybe unaware of. You should think about finding that out what is that and take it out.


Black snake in your dream can also be a wakeup call. It can mean you are having deep changes in your real life like sadness or depression. That can be a call to identify your emotional darkness and face it.

Financial problems

If there is a black baby snake in your dream it should be a sign to act better towards your money and use it wisely. Otherwise, you will be faced with financial problems in your real life.


Dreams about black snakes can also reflect a transformation from your unconscious. That can mean there are many unknown things in your life and it is a time to step up in order to survive the change.

This dream is also a way to build awareness about yourself and decide what is important in your life.


If the presence of the black snake in a dream scares you that can mean you are trying to overcome some difficulty or troublesome person in your real life. People often dream this when they are grieving or suffering a loss.

If you see the black snake in sand or grass it can symbolize someone harmful from your real life. This can be a warning to tread carefully and not to leave guard down.

Better adaption to social situations

In case you dream about black snake cut in half, that can mean a need for you to better adapt in social situations.

You will have to be more considerate and respectful to the people from your real life but also to avoid be nice to the point that anyone can trample all over you.


This animal dressed in black in your dream can also reflect rejected aspects of your personality. It can point to parts of you that were avoided and need to be exposed and dealt with.

It can be also a sign you are dealing with unconscious drives and hidden desires or temptations. This dream can be a call to discover what is driving you and to get in touch with deep longings that you were ignoring till now.


The dream about black snake can also indicate to potential danger in your real life. In order to find it what it can be in your real life you should consider the facts that snake constrict themselves around the victims to cut off the air supply it can reflect the way some people in real life are acting to harm you.

Killing a black snake

If you kill a black snake in your dream it can mean you conquer something bad in your real life. This kind of black snake dream can be a sign or head up on something to occur.

Black color in a dream can mean bad news, something evil. The black snake can also represent someone who is trying to come between you and your couple. Read more:14 Dreams About Snakes Biting

It can also be event that will occur really soon and it is sometimes in a month or two. That is why when you are having this dream you should be more attentive.


The dreams about black snakes can have different meanings, mostly negative, but there are also some positive exceptions.

These dreams can be reflection of your dark emotions like sadness or depression, transformation in your life or the chance for personal development.

In these dreams you will need some space to come to your own and realize what is right for the other parties and for you in your life.

Regardless of what is the black snake dream about, we recommend you to pay attention to your surroundings and be more careful.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article !

Last Updated on March 20, 2020When you dream about snakes, chances are that the meaning of what you just dreamed about is related to challenging issues and feelings that you’re facing in your daily life.

According to Freud’s classic dream interpretation theory, a snake featured in a dream represents a phallic symbol that could relate to a male figure, male energy or how you experience your sexuality. Interpreting what your dream about snakes means does not stop there however. To fully understand its meaning, you need to look deeper into the interpretation of this rich symbol.

What Does it Mean to Dream about Snakes?

To get start interpreting what dreaming about snakes means, here are the most common meanings associated with snakes in dreams:

  • A snake is a symbol of the unconscious
  • Snakes or serpents indicate you’re in the process of healing and resolving issues
  • The snake is a symbol for an untamed part of yourself or an untapped resource
  • Snakes could represent your intuition or spiritual aspects of yourself; your instinctual drive, what moves you from the depths of your soul
  • Snakes or serpents tend to show up in dreams in times of transition and transformation
  • From the classic Freudian perspective, a snake or serpent is a phallic symbol
Generally, a snake featured in a dream means that you’re dealing with a difficult situation or unsettling emotions in your waking life. On the positive side of this dream analysis, dreaming of snakes could also mean that healing and transformation are taking place.
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A snake can appear in your dreams as an animal spirit guide or animal totem, bringing guidance about life direction and healing opportunities. >> Get more information about the snake as a spirit animal (Source: www.spiritanimal.info)

Dream Interpretation Tools

What people say about this book:
“Tony Crisp, a dream therapist, shares with you his knowledge based on 22 years of research. Crisp offers you useful techniques for processing your dreams quickly and easily. … He has included the terminology about key concepts in the field of sleep and dreaming, such as archetypes, anxiety dreams, the collective unconscious, ESP in dreams, lucid dreaming and out of body experiences.”

3 Keys to decode the meaning of your snake dream:

  1. Look at general dream meanings.
  2. Translate the elements of your dream into meaningful dream interpretation clues.
  3. Connect the content of your dream with your daily life.

If you know how to interpret your dream, you may discover ways to resolve these issues and encourage your personal growth. Like the snake that strikes when it feels threatened, the presence of the serpent in your sleep symbolizes a wake up call to look at fears about your own feelings or a threatening situation in your waking life.

Go further with the interpretation of your Snake Dream

If you feel fear when you see the snake in your dream, it indicates that you are having difficulties facing the unknown or uncertainty in your life.

When the presence of the snake in your dream is neutral or friendly, it suggests that you are dealing with fears or concerns with assurance. It is an indicator that healing is taking place.

If you’re dreaming of a wild snake, it may denote negative aspects associated with the animal, such as worries, fears or concerns about something that going out of control.

If you’re dreaming of a pet snake, it could relate to an opportunity for healing or positive changes in your life.

When you are fighting with a snake, it means that you are resisting a change or struggling with a decision or feelings in your waking life. It may represent a power struggle in your intimate relationship or at work.

Being chased by a snake means that you are facing an intimidating situation in your life that is haunting you. Emotions that you have not dealt with are coming back at you.

A dream of being attacked by a snake, it could be calling you to explore a challenging situation in your life and how to deal with it.

If you are dreaming of being bitten by snake, it means that you need to pay attention to something that you’ve been avoiding because it was too intimating or uncomfortable.

If the snake spits its venom at you, it suggests that there’s a negative influence in your life that’s difficult to handle. It may represent a “poisonous” relationship or negative words or rumors around you.

Talking to a snake suggests that you are engaged in a process of understanding higher knowledge about yourself and your world. It indicates that you are open to receiving information of a more mystical nature.

If you have a dialog or if the snake talks in your dream, it signifies that your potentials are being realized and your opening up to new possibilities in life.

For more interpretation of snake dreams, consult the snake dream meanings section.

Connect your Snake Dream with your Life

Here are dream interpretation hints to guide the analysis of your snake dream. A general interpretation method consists in associating traits that belong to the animal you dreamed about with situations in your waking life or aspects of your personality. You may find that the following generic snake characteristics are present in your dream, as well as in your daily life.

  • Snakes are wild, untamed animals that cannot be trained. They are beyond our control.
Interpretation hint: Look if you are currently experiencing feelings or a situation that feel that way in your waking life; look withing to see if you need to pay attention a an untamed part of yourself that needs more space to express itself or develop harmoniously.

Snake Dream Mac Os Catalina

  • Snakes are unpredictable. They tend to strike by surprise; they appear unexpectedly and disappear as fast as they showed up.
Interpretation hint: Can you associate these qualities with a fear you may be having or your own behavior when facing a challenging situation?
  • They primarily evoke aversion and fear in humans.

When snakes and humans meet, there’s a danger that the snake will attack, mostly as a reaction to fear or feeling threatened.

  • Snakes move close to the ground and are associated with the earth.
Interpretation hint: Feel into your own connection with the earth; whether you feel grounded, with your feet on the ground or not; how you relate to your primal instincts.
  • Snake shed their skin when they grow, leaving behind the old during their transformation process.
Interpretation hint:Mac Snakes are great symbols for personal transformation; look at what’s changing in your life or in yourself or what you hope to change or leave behind in order to move on.
  • Some snakes’ venom is poisonous, even deadly, if they bite.
Interpretation hint: Death or the fear of dying in a dream is not to be taken literally. It’s often symbolic of the death of the old and the opportunity to leave behind what you no longer need. It could also represent grieving a loss of something or someone who was important to you.
  • They possess the antidote to their own venom.
Interpretation hint:

Snake Dream Mac Os Update

Often, a challenging situation is also an opportunity to discover something new and take on an opportunity. Look at how this relates to your life right now.

Conclusion: Key Points to Enhance your Dream Interpretation

Here are two key points to refine the interpretation of your dream.

Reconnect with the Snake in your Dream

The snake featured in your dream is most likely a transposed image or symbol of something that’s actually happening or preoccupying you in your daily life. It’s important to remember and recall the presence of the snake as it was in the dream.

For example, you can project yourself back in the dream, recall all sorts of details about what the snake looked like, how it was moving, how you were feeling. You could even imagine you can ask the dream snake questions about its intentions, what message it has for you, etc. This will get you started in decoding what the snake in your dream could symbolize.

Snake Dream & Call from the Unconscious

When interpreting a snake dream, a key point is to keep in mind that the serpent in your sleep means you’re symbolically receiving a wake up call from your unconscious.

Dreaming about a snake is usually an indicator that you need to pay attention to something important that you perhaps have been avoiding or that has escaped your awareness until now. Interpreting your dream will help you discover what it is and what you could do to about it.

When you’re dreaming of a snake, you can use your interpretation to encourage positive changes in your life. A snake dream can function like a two-sided coin: For each negative feeling in the dream, such as fear, apprehension, anxiety, or confusion, there’s an opportunity to realize something positive that will serve you in your waking life.

Bonus: Snake Symbols in Popular Myths and Traditions

The symbolism in a snake dream is primarily anchored in the personal life of the dreamer. Because the snake is a powerful symbol in many traditions and cultures, a snake dream can also be influenced by a wider meaning given to the snake or serpent in one’s culture.

In the Judeo-Christian tradition, the snake tempted Eve in the Garden of Eden. It is tinted with negative connotations and a symbol for temptation, evil, and sin.

In the Hindu tradition, Lord Siva wears a snake around his neck, as a representation of the control of dark forces and temptation. It also symbolizes the power of kundalini, the life force.

In ancient Greek mythology, Medusa is a Gorgon, represented as a woman with snake hair who can turn into stone whoever she looks at. According to the psycho-analytic perspective, it is a symbol for castration or repressed sexual energy.

Another popular Greek myth is about Aesclepius, Greek god of healing and medicine, who inspired rituals where snakes were used. Today, the rod of Asclepius is what we know as the Caduceus, symbol for modern medicine. In our dreams, it represents the opportunity for healing.

Snake Dream Mac Os Download

The feathered serpent from the Aztecs of South America is a symbol for the creator of life.

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